K Designs, How It All Started...

I'm Ashley, and I'm the owner of K Designs, Home & Gift. Welcome to the blog! 

K Designs was created in 2022, and started out as a simple hobby. I've always loved to craft and create things, so I started out making wood slice magnets.


That quickly expanded into signs and some simple home decor. After realizing how much I loved creating and crafting, I decided to continue with it, and start doing small craft fairs.

From the small craft fairs, I expanded a little bit into retail sales. Fast forward to 2024, I have since obtained my retail/resale license, started my very own small business, opened my very own online shop, and have grown my social media following. I'm finally up to 1,300+ followers on Facebook :) 

I have wicked big plans for K Designs. The past year I've been working hard  to get my business name out there, grow my social media following, and expand my products. My goal is to someday have my very own storefront, and do it all on my own. 

While I've expanded into retail sales, I continue to make signs and home decor, because crafting and creating is my "me time", and I just love it. All of the signs you see on on my website- I designed and created myself. 

Stay tuned for more blog posts of behind the scenes, tips, favorites, the journey of K Designs- and so much more. 


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