Craft & Vendor Fair Tips & Tricks

If you're looking to start or improve your vendor/craft fair displays/revenue- then you've found the right place! 

In 2022, I attended my very first craft fair. It was in a community building, right before Christmas. I had barely started K Designs, and I had 100% handmade products with little experience. It was freezing, and it took me way too many trips back and forth to my car to get all of my stuff (and I didn't even have much back then!) I had one 8ft. table, a small shelf, and a little fake Christmas tree for my ornaments. My DIY tri-fold display for signs set on top of the table, and was...well, meh. It worked for that day, but it was made out of a tri-fold poster board. I made about $60, and I think that was mostly my family. 



Fast forward to 2024, and I have attended MANY vendor events, and feel like I might have it down to a science. I get many compliments on unloading/setting up, and then my final display- so I wanted to share it all with YOU! 

1.  First, you need to plan BEFORE the event.
- If you have social media for your business, USE IT! Make an event, explain what you'll have, and advertise the hell out of it. Make sure to include the day/time of the event, where it will be, what products you'll have there...and share it on your own page, your town/surrounding towns' pages, ask your friends to share, etc. The more people that see it, the more will share, and the more will come. I use Canva* for all of my flyers, ads, etc. (I'll share more on that in another blog!)
Here is an example I did of an event cover...


Making an event on your social media page allows your friends/followers/the public to see your event, see where you'll be, and even click "interested" or "going"- which then reminds them when the event is coming up. 

- Make sure to have prices on your items, or visible price tags ready to set beside your items once you're set up. (More on pricing a little further into the blog- but this is something that should be prepared before the event)

-I always recommend loading your car the night before! Mornings are crazy, and most events allow you to set up early. Take advantage of that! I absolutely despise being in a hurry- so always allow yourself extra time. My full set-up now takes me a good 2 hours from start to finish- so you don't want to use that time loading your car. 

-When you DO load your car- I have an SUV and sometimes still have troubles fitting everything in- but I pack it tight every time. Top tip- put your tables on bottom! It's not ideal to be the last thing you take out; maximizes the space in your vehicle. Put the flat on bottom, and then build up from there. I have wide variety of items and I like to stay organized, so I use a few different types of totes/containers. (More on this later!)

2. Setting Up & Taking Down
-I could go for days on this one. Let's start with setting up. Before you unpack anything- plan how you want to be set up. How much space do you have? For me- it's always worked best for me to have a U shaped set up- like this.

Why do I LOVE this setup?? It allows your traffic to see your items before they get to you by a focal point at the opposite side they're coming from, then they can browse through, see EVERYTHING, ask any questions and make their purchase. I always stand up when people come over, and make myself available without hovering. 

- Back to setting up- I put up my tables, and build my layout first. I have a few shelves I put on top of the tables to add height, and maximize display space. You don't want your table and setup to look like a yard sale- so get creative! I have so many different display items to add height, and then I use different baskets, etc. Nothing matches but everything matches :) 
I then start unloading things that I've already put on displays or that are already in their baskets. 

And make sure you have signage and business cards!!
If anything, I hand out a business card to every person who walks through my booth- even if they didn't buy anything. 
-Also, make sure your checkout area is visible. On my layout, it's in the corner, but specifically for checkout only. People want to know where to pay. 
- I recommend not scattering your products out- keep things that are similar together (ie; bracelets and jewelry boxes would be beside each other, home accents would go near my signs, car coasters/keychains/car diffusers would be on one table, etc.) 

- Taking Down- After your event is over, neatly pack your items back into their designated totes/bins. I label mine so I know where they go. That way, for your next event, everything is already organized! 

- I try to load my car the same way I did the night before. Keep it as neat and organized as you can, so no items get lost/damaged. 

- Remember- it's not going to be perfect. The more practice, the more events you do- you're going to learn your own ways that work for you. 

3. Staying Organized and Must Haves- 
I combined this one because they go hand in hand. After 2 years of doing vendor events and craft fairs, I have found the things that help keep me organized, and items I simply can't live without. 

I get SO many compliments on this one- MY CART! This changes the loading/unloading game. I got the extra long one, so I can put up to 4 large totes, plus items on top- which minimizes my trips back and forth to the car! 
You can purchase this same one HERE- and I assure you, it's worth the buy!


My next must have item is my cash box! Naturally, I had to have pink :) This keeps all of  your change nice and tidy, and has a bit of extra space for sticky notes, a pen, etc. 


 And always remember to make sure and take your cash box out of your locked car LAST and make sure it is the FIRST thing you put back in your locked car after your event! 

When I first started, I ordered these tablecloths that fit over the legs of your tables, so you can easily hide your empty totes! They come in all colors, and are really easy to wash. 


You're also going to need a tent if you're doing outdoor events. I like this one, because it has partial sides so if it's windy or super sunny, you can block it- or you can have it open to maximize your space. 



To stay organized, and a must have item that I JUST figured out, are these drawer totes! I have 2-3 I use at every event for my bags and smaller items. It helps keep everything separated and organized, and easy to grab! They also fit right in my car, they're easy to label- AND you can double them as your checkout stand! 
I also use mine to keep my items organized back at my shop too! It's a win-win!

For my larger items, such as baskets, signs, blankets and larger bags, I use these. They're 64 qt. and I can fit 4 comfortably in my cart! 

I always try to stay organized as much as possible, as it makes it easier to attend event after event. 

4. Presentation, Display and Pricing
This is probably one of my favorite parts! It makes my heart happy when people come into my booth and say "oh I love your display!" or "you're booth is so inviting, I HAD to come in!". :) 


I know everyone has different style, and how they want things to look. With mine, I love refreshing and brighter colors. I didn't want anything dark. So I went with a natural wood with pinks and light teals and greenery for my display. I love flowers, so I actually based my brand on an image I found, and just went from there. 

When I set my space up, I have a tri-fold divider my husband and I built that is natural pine, and I added some Lamb's Ear greenery on the top. My tablecloths are white, and any shelving, tabletop displays, etc. are either white or a natural wood. 

You can get Lamb's Ear greenery here. Its my FAVORITE and it's wicked soft :) 
I used the same type of garland and draped it over my divider. 

-Pricing is SUPER important.
One thing that always deters me from purchasing from stores, vendors, etc. is if I don't know how much something is! I actually print my own pricing, and I label each and every single item.

I buy sticker paper, and create a pricing sheet on Word with my logo, and print all of my prices- then peel and stick onto my items. Now- this may not be for everyone as it does entail a little extra leg work- BUT, I like the presentation of it. It includes my logo, looks professional, and states my prices clearly. 

If this isn't for you- I highly recommend making some price labels to sit beside your items. For instance, if you are selling keychains and they're all the same price, a simple sign or label stating "Keychains $5" works perfectly fine! These mini chalkboards work great! 

5. Inside Event Vs. Outside Event
Which one is your favorite?
I personally love the outdoor events! Sure, they can be a bit windier- but I find there is typically more foot traffic, you usually get more space, and it's just nice to be out in the fresh air! 

Either type of event, I keep my setup the same. The U design works great, as it allows shoppers and browsers to enter/exit easily, and see all of  your products. I do recommend making sure if  you have lighter items to be aware of wind, and make sure any signage is secure. 

6. How To Get Return Customers
Woo-hoo! You've made some sales! How do you keep that going after your event? 

Hand out those business cards. Engage with your customers. Be friendly! Give them a little info about your business, say why you love what you do, tell them about another event coming up...Letting your customers in a little bit, and interacting with them in a kind and friendly way is a great way to get people to come back. 
I do vendor events but mostly sell online, so I'm always handing out my business cards and saying "I sell online too, so be sure to check out my online shop!" or you could also give little discounts for return shoppers, such as "10% off your next purchase" to keep them coming back. 

So, you all saw my very first vendor display- but here are some of my favorites (after I figured out what I was doing!) 



Thanks for reading today! 
Peace out! 



**Ashley Burpee/ K Designs is a member of the Amazon Affiliate Program and may earn commissions on purchases from the links in this blog. 

**Ashley Burpee/K Designs is not affiliated with Canva. I just love it!



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